Alexithymia, Anger, Sensitivity to Mild Bodily Sensations and Personality Characteristics of Restless Legs Syndrome Patients: A Case-control Study

Dilan ALKAŞ, Gözde BACIK YAMAN, Melike DOĞAN ÜNLÜ, Gökçe İŞCAN, İbrahim EREN
2024 35(4): 271-281
DOI: 10.5080/u27472
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Objective: This study aims to asess alexithymia, anger and its expression,
sensitivity to bodily sensations, personality, and their relationship with
the severity of the disease in patients with Restless Legs Syndrome.
Method: The study included 63 patients diagnosed with Restless Legs
Syndrome and 63 age, gender and education matched controls. All
participants were given, Toronto Alexithymia Scale, Somatosensory
Amplification Scale, The State Trait Anger Scale and Temperament
and Character Inventory. The severity of Restless Legs Syndrome was
evaluated using the Restless Legs Syndrome Severity Rating Scale.
Results: The trait anger score (p=0,001), sensitivity to bodily
sensations (p<0,001), and the total score of alexithymia (p<0,001)
were significantly higher in the patient group Reward dependence
in patient group was significantly higher (p=0,008). Restless Legs
Syndrome severity positively correlated with trait anger level (r=0,360;
p=0,015) and alexithymia total score (r=0,373; p=0,003). Restless
Legs Syndrome severity negatively correlated with self-directedness
(r=-0,323; p=0,010).
Conclusion: We demonstrated that alexithymia, sensitivity to body
sensations, and anger was high in restless leg syndrome in Restless Legs
Syndrome. Restless Legs Syndrome is linked to physical and mental
symptoms and certain personality traits.
Keywords: Anger, Emotions, Personality, Restless Legs Syndrome,
Sensations, Temperament